Should that already be there, go back into Run and enter "optionalfeatures", and in the new window enable. New > String value, name New Value #1 InstallRoot, and here is the value from my computer, double click it and paste the following: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\ If not, right-click a blank space on the right side of the window. When you have this selected, you should see the InstallRoot REG_SZ key. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\ To set a registry key, hit Windows key + R to go into Run, and enter: regedit especially since we don't know where your.
Think I should have to go through all that when I'm thinking there's probably an easier software fix.if I can just suss it out with some help. Some owners (according to the forums I've seen on this software) have gone to extreme lengths to get this program up and running, such as loading a virtual box, loading a backup copy of Windows 7 on that location, then loading Neuro-Programmer 3. The company which put out the software isn't going to be any help, as they've folded up shop after about 20 years the owner was having some health issues, so he retired and took his proprietary software with him. NET Framework location, the question is how do I do that? I understand that the program is trying to get the root fill in HKLM registry key to access the. "Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot to point to the.
Neuro programmer 2 crack windows 10#
I switched over to a computer using Windows 10 from Windows 7, and can no longer use Neuro-Programmer 3.